Le Mixeur Quatre, Le Mixeur Finale!

"Everybody... this has been...one of the greatest events of our lives really... this particular show will remain with us the longest, because not only is it the last show of the tour, but it's the last show we'll ever do."

-ziggy stardust

Ziggy speaks for us. This Saturday will, in fact, be the end of the Mixeur as we know it.

The amount of work that goes into creating Le Mixeur is simply not sustainable. It will live on in many, yet to be determined forms. But what we know about Le Mixeur ends when the last person exits on what will most likely be, by then, May 18th.

Thank you all. It has been wonderful.



But this blog goes on, and continues today with a preview of the cocktails that will be served at Le Mixeur Finale...


Brittany said…
Hi Ted and Charles - I think your cocktail site is very cool. I would love to try out some of the recipes. Visit my German blog I made for a university of Otago assignment:


Love from Brittany Travers (James Travers' daughter from NZ)