I'm a Mixeur He's a Mixeur She's a Mixeur We're all Mixeurs

Wouldn't You Like to be a Mixeur Too?

Le Mixeur Enterprise Commune - est dans l'effet complet (in full effect).

From the start, it has been the ambition of Le Mixeur to be a cooperative effort. It was also envisioned that Le Mixeur would become a Cabaret, with a variety of brilliant performers filling the evening with flourishes that mere cocktails can only hint at.

Le Mixeur was prepared to take whatever action was required to make this reality, yet the deepest hope was for such ambitions to manifest organically.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the realization of our deepest hope.

In the days leading up to Le Mixeur Trois, inquiries filtered in regarding the possibility of acting as Mixeur of sounds, of Mixing in the strains of Edith Piaf, and of performing violin verses for the Mixers. During the Mixeur itself, we learned that we had a talented eater of fire amongst our ranks.

None of these ambitions were fully realized for Le Mixeur Trois, but all will blossom, along with so much else, for Le Mixeur Quatre

Music and performance have been spoken for, yet there are still numerous ways in which Mixers can become part of the creation. Here are some:

  • select a theme in keeping with the spirit of Le Mixeur Quatre, which can be discerned from witnessing the invitation above, and decorate the abode accordingly.
  • meet with T. Mixeur on intermittent Sunday evenings to learn drink making techniques, develop a drink menu, and then take a turn tending to the bar at Le Mixeur Quatre. As a fringe benefit of this role, there will be a small "pre-Mixeur" wherein all drinks on the menu are made, photographed for our new and improved menu technique , and then consumed.
  • work in close quarters with the cocktail Mixeurs and coordinate food pairings with the cocktails on the menu. Prepare and present these delectables.
  • contribute to the Le Mixeur repository of knowledge on the medicinal properties of herbs one might find in spirits or liqueurs, influence the direction of the next Le Mixeur with your brilliant insights.
  • perform full cavity searches of any "suspicious" types at the next Le Mixeur.
Please, be part of Le Mixeur Quatre. And indicate your desire to do so soon. Le Mixeur is truly the result of extensive and ongoing preparation.

Merci et Dieu bénissent.


Anonymous said…
Le Mixeur, like you all can become true connoisseur of mixers. There are only few that could be considered. I construe that you do not drink to unwind but to appreciate the flavors of a superior skill….you have fine qualifications to be a master connoisseur. ..well done my son!

keith waldbauer said…
ha, this was my old template! well done, wish i could take part in one of these mixer parties, but alas, i have drinks to sling of my own on sundays.... charles, great meeting you and drinking with you.... i look forward to having a few more rounds with you...
