Adieu, mon frère


If you are in the Seattle area this evening, join us at the Zig Zag Cafe from 8pm until whenever for a going away gathering for the eldest Munat Brother, Charles. In a few days, Charles will leave Seattle for a whirlwind tour of Portland, the Bay Area, Sonoma, and Los Angeles, before leaving on a jet plane for Mexico and eventually Argentina.

Rumors that Charles' relocation to Argentina is a strategic maneuver in the Munat Bros plot for world domination are greatly exaggerated...or exaggerated...or slightly exaggerated...or spot on...or an understatement. Somewhere on that spectrum lies the truth.

So join us please, unless you suck and we hate you, in which case stay away. We will bid adieu to Charles while at the same time honoring the great Murray Stenson by RUINING HIS NIGHT with our boorish behavior, vague drink demands, and with the sheer volume of our posse.

Charles also plans to assume his Chuck D. alter-ego and perform You Gonna Get Yours.

Munat Bros posse on the town in Seattle one last time yo. Suckas to the side I know you hate, my 98...You gonna get yours.

